Friday, July 7, 2017

Whim Independent Studios - Development Log #39

Hey everyone! Back with the 39th development log!

First and foremost - our new 2017 team picture!

E3 2017 picture
L to R:
Matthew Estrada (Director/Game Designer)
Christopher Huber (Game Programmer)

Jasmine Baro (Game Tester/QA)
Ryan Homme (Writer)
Toria Bell (Voice of Melanie/Fairies/Writer)

Myself (Producer/Director/Game Designer)
Deborah Groves (Co-Lead Artist/Social Media)
Matthew Hawkins (Game Programmer)

Jenny Gilliland (Co-Lead Artist)
Shadoe (Sound Engineer)
Jonathan Dishaw (Programmer/Battle System Designer)
Leigh-anna Griswould (Game Programmer)
Jessica Jacuinde (Artist/Video Editor)
Paul Vela (Administrative Director)
Kevin Flores (Game Tester/QA)
Geno Quesada (Artist)

Since the last development log, we have since come back from two conventions: LVLUpExpo and E3! I'll be lying if I said I still wasn't pretty exhausted from all of it. LVLUpExpo was pretty fun and interesting, we had quite a turnout at our booth. 

Shadoe, the sound engineer on our team, is also very talented at cosplaying, and came dressed up as Shopkeeper and Mage for our booth!

Jen also worked on brand new art to be displayed for the very first time at LVLUpExpo, showing some of the new characters from the second half for the very first time!

LVL Up Expo was our first time demonstrating our games to a large convention-sized audience. It went mostly well, and we are excited to announce where we're heading next!

Next Whim Indie stop: Gameacon!

Our next showcase will be at Gameacon 2017 at Westgate Hotel in Las Vegas at the beginning of September! If you liked the special challenges and prizes we had at LvLUpExpo, we’ll have more challenging obstacles and fun things to show at Gameacon!

If you can complete the challenges, you'll be able to get special stickers of Selatria characters like what you see below!

New game announcement: The Dastardly Dairy Debacle!

First and foremost, we kicked off our with our own E3 announcement, our third game "The Dastardly Dairy Debacle", coming later this year for Android and PC. It's meant to be a small mini side story game that will keep you entertained.

For the project, we have Jessica Jacuinde with the art development, she previously worked with us on the trailers for Selatria: Advent of the Dakk'rian Empire and ANTics, Christopher Nuño, who worked on the soundtrack for all of our other games. Programming it is Matthew Hawkins who developed some of upcoming Chapter 4 of Selatria. Here's a preview of what to expect!

More information for this game is to come, and we’re aiming for a release later this year.

More information can be seen on our website!

Note that some content shown is not final and subject to change.

Selatria Development

Patch 1.22 will be coming later this month! It will feature unique sprites for knocked out characters (both in-cutscenes and battle), difficulty adjustments to certain boss encounters, and unique cat sprites! We also plan on making some adjustments to Chapter 2-3A Mirage Forest with visual cues to assist those who are hearing impaired.

If you have already collected the cats before this update, fear not! We will be implementing a special area in a future update where you can see all of the collected cats frolicking around.

We are also working very hard on cutscenes for Chapter 4-2, some of the sandstormy screenshots you'll see below is a part of a dungeon called the Endless Desert. The later screenshots show a preview an example of the new cat designs and the new fallen KO sprites for each character. Chapter 4-2 will be implemented with the release of the second half, and as mentioned previously the cats and fallen sprites will be updated with the release of Patch 1.22.

New voiceover casts!

We have started the casting for the character of Roussell. I know we previously had auditions for this role, but major errors on our part for getting the tone of voice, the accent, and character background prevented us from getting the auditions we were looking for. For that reason, we’ve since reopened it for people to give the role a try, and auditions are open until July 14th (a week from today!)

Auditions are available on our website.


That's about it for this development log. Until next time!