Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Whim Independent Studios - Development Log #7

Hey guys! Back with the seventh development log. In the weeks that we've really started to get the projects off the ground and the studio set up, I've had my hands tied doing about four different projects: Selatria, Hell's Kitty Mobile Game, and two other games that will be announced soon! Hell's Kitty Mobile game should be landing soon! We've had several factors that have gone into delaying the project, but an Android and desktop version is almost complete.

Since the last post, we've also devoted one of the walls to the artists for our projects. The north wall of the studio we'll start to pin up concept art and everything that has been used in our games. It's pretty blank right now, but we'll start putting up everything for all of our projects. It will fill very quickly!

 The Art Wall

Anyway, it seems that I've been spending my time developing games more than actually playing them. I have so many games I want to actually spend time playing through and the stack of to-complete games is rising quite a bit!

Down to business! 


Selatria Progress:

Chapter 2 Cut-scenes:

Matt has been working on the majority of the Chapter 2 cut-scenes, and they're coming out great!
*Cut-scenes and screenshots shown are tentative and subject to change.

Below is an example of an upcoming dungeon. Each dungeon is going to have a different challenge or puzzle that needs to be completed. With the limited tileset size provided by RPG Maker VX, we still want to create a quality looking dungeon with lots of different things and activities to do.

In fact, the constraints is kind of what makes it fun. How far can we push the events and Ruby scripts to do what we want it to!? It's really exciting.


Updated icons! I programmed the icons into the menus in battle, and Jennifer Gilliland worked on new icons for the "Items" bag and "Trigger Attacks". Unlike the original demo, "Trigger Attacks" will now be shown with new icons you'll see below. White means Healing, Red means Damage. Blue will mean Buffing Team Attacks. An example is shown in Melanie's move-set below.

The next phase on modifying the Trigger Abilities will be showing visual chains and giving EXP and damage bonuses. In the demo, Trigger attacks would only allow other party members to chain for more turns to be executed in one go-around. To emphasize the important of Triggers and Team Attacks, they will give an EXP bonus, there will be a visual "Chain #1", "Chain #2!", "Chain #3!" with appropriate EXP multipliers and an ending damage bonus.

It's not determined what it will be, but it will be fair enough so that it won't be game breaking for those new to the RPG genre or are unlucky with Team Attack combinations.

Due to the new icons, we will likely change the "Trigger" command to a new name that can account for abilities that aren't Trigger abilities.


Indiegogo/Kickstarter Draft of Backer Rewards: 

We'll be publicly launching soon on Indiegogo first and then Kickstarter later, and I'd like to post a preview of rewards for backing the project. We're still currently working on the pitch itself and it should be shown later down the road. Here are some of what we have planned out. I'll post all the tiers but the later ones will be kept secret for now. Need to have some sort of surprise when the pitch launches, eh!?!

$1        Contributor Credit + Preview of the Main Theme

All backers will featured in the credits with their first and last name as a “Contributor”. All backers will also be given a downloadable copy of the main theme of the game composed by Christopher Nuño to listen and enjoy as thanks!

Total items provided: Contributor Credit + Free Download of the Main Theme

$3        Early Adopter Pre-purchase (Limited: 250 claims)

The full vanilla version of Selatria as a DRM-free downloadable copy at a special discounted price. We’ll even throw in the copy of the main theme as well for thanks. Thanks for supporting us early!

Total items provided: Full Game DRM-Free + Contributor Credit + Free Download of the Main Theme

$5        Full Game

The full vanilla version of Selatria as a DRM-free downloadable copy. We’ll even throw in the copy of the main theme as well for thanks.

Total items provided: Full Game DRM-Free + Contributor Credit + Free Download of the Main Theme

$10      Full Game + Soundtrack of battle themes

The full vanilla version of Selatria as a DRM-free downloadable copy. Thanks for supporting us! We’ll toss in a special downloadable folder of all of the battle themes the vanilla version of the game has to offer for you!

Total items provided: Full Game DRM-Free + Soundtrack of Battle Theme Download + Contributor Credit + Free Download of the Main Theme

$15      Full Game + Entire Soundtrack

The full vanilla version of Selatria as a DRM-free downloadable copy. Thanks for supporting us! We’ll toss in a special downloadable folder of every theme the vanilla version of the game has to offer for you!

Total items provided: Full Game DRM-Free + Entire Soundtrack Download + Contributor Credit + Free Download of the Main Theme

$20      Above  + Preview of new game footage and soundtracks one week before general public

Thanks for supporting us! You’ll get the full vanilla version of Selatria as a DRM-free downloadable copy, a downloadable copy of the full soundtrack for your listening pleasure, AND you’ll be provided with trailers of special game footage and music previews of Selatria one week before the general public!

Total items provided: Full Game DRM-Free + Early Access Pass to Game Footage and new previews one week ahead of time + Entire Soundtrack Download + Contributor Credit + Free Download of the Main Theme


$30 [ Secret! ]

$40 [ Secret! ] 

$50 [ Secret! ] 

$75 [ Secret! ]

$100 [ Secret! ] 

$250 [ Secret! ]

$300 [ Secret! ]

$500 [ Secret! ]

$1000 [ Secret! ]



Last but not least. Selatria is officially copyrighted! I cut out what I deem is confidential information, but you get the point!

That's it for now. Until next post!

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